
                                                    Class Times & Fees

Pupils are placed into classes in the following age brackets, age is the age you turn this year.

                       click on the age bracket below you are interested in for class times & fees.

  3 - 6 Years | 8 - 11 Years | 12 years & over | Competition Work








3 - 6 Years...Primary Grade



4.00-4.30...Primary Ballet/Lyrical Class

4.30-5.05...Primary Combination Jazz/Tap Class


1st Class $12 - 2nd Class $11 

Paid monthly via internet transfer.














 8 - 11 Years...Junior Grade


4.00-4.30...Junior Tap Class

4.30-5.00...Junior Ballet/Lyrical Class

5.00-5.30...Junior Jazz Class

5.30-6.00...Acrobatic Class 1


1st Class $13 - 2nd Class $12 - 3rd Class $11 - 4th Class $10

 Paid monthly via internet transfer.















12 years & over...Senior Grade


5.20-6.00...Senior Tap Class

6.10-6.40...Acrobatic Class 2

6.40-7.20..Senior Jazz Class 

7.20-8.00...Senior Ballet/Lyrical Class


1st Class $15 - 2nd Class $14 - 3rd Class $13 - 4th Class $12

 Paid monthly via internet transfer.















Competition Work...Prim 3.45-4.00 - Jun/Sen 6.00-6.30

Pupils who are ready will be offered the opportunity to do competition work,  Students wishing to do competition work pay an extra weekly fee of $3 Per Routine which covers rehearsal classes (on the same afternoon.Competition Registration fee of $50 for 1 Routine or $100 for multiple routines  which covers all, duo/trio & troupe entry fees & Competition's registration fees.

Every pupils who does competition work will need a Studio Jacket to wear  to competitions.

Click on the following links to download forms as a PDF file for information on up & coming events
Hawkesbury Show performance lStudio Mini Eisteddfodl Concert/Dress Rehearsal